Celebrating 43 Years!
It’s September 28th and we’re celebrating my 43rd birthday! My wife snapped this pic at the park.
Aubrey wasn’t really feeling the camera…but Skyler was all about it.
Strip away everything we do here at The People’s Chemist, and you’ll find one single mission:
Give people better health, so they can enjoy more birthdays.
…That starts with getting off the fucking meds.
Today, the US consumes 50% of the entire worlds drug supply! And they’ve robbed more people of birthdays than all the casualties of wars combined. This includes the seemingly benign aspirin, statins, blood pressure meds, sleeping pills, antidepressants, pain killers and so many more!
I started this business over a decade ago with that one message — ditch the meds.
Everyone hated it. They called me a quack. Doctors insisted, “You’re just a chemist. Go back the lab.” Patients got sensitive and claimed I was “too extreme, meds have their place!”
Fuck what people think.
I’ve never met anyone who’s studied medicine more than I have…and I’m still learning. But I know for certain that, outside of an emergency, you can’t be on meds and healthy at the same time.
That’s because all meds ravage the body from the inside out.
My message is so threatening to the “status quo,” that I’ve received constant censorship from across the board — Facebook, Twitter, Google, and even private investigators snooping around my mailboxes…They all want me to shut up.
That’s how it’s been for 43 years.
I was always a loudmouth, even coming out of my mother’s womb. My dad was lazy, complacent and absent growing up. I made sure he knew it. My high school teachers were impatient and addicted to cutting corners. I made sure they knew it.
I’m a full-time motor mouth.
AND… I’ve never let the pressures of the majority influence me…If I ever got quiet, I just drank more coffee to fuel my inner fire. If that didn’t kick me back into gear, I relied on a few close friends (and business partners) who also refused to follow trends, fads, and popular opinion.
These are the only people for me…the ones who are mad crazy about imposing their will on the world around them, rather than being bent into a weaker version of their former selves.
I live and do business like I wrestle: knowing I’m going to win against all odds.
So here’s to 43 more years of wrestling!
Most people don’t believe they can be healthy without meds. They’ve been marketed to death. And that’s what’s keeping them from ditching the meds.
They’ve lost their will to achieve better health.
Just look at how many individuals deal with unnecessary health problems and side effects. The majority of people today are victims of:
- High blood sugar
- Insulin resistance
- High blood pressure
- Type II diabetes
- Obesity
Overcoming these conditions seems impossible without a drawer filled with orange pill bottles.
Meanwhile, they don’t realize their health has been getting WORSE while on meds, not better!
People have been settling for poor health for so long, they can’t even imagine winning…It’s the meds (not their age) that’s causing their health to decline!
They’ve been trained and hypnotized to believe prescription drugs are their only salvation. Like clockwork, they hit up the pharmacy every week. It’s a sad ritual showing they’ve lost all hope in their health.
I refuse to sit back and do nothing about it. You should, too.
Popping meds is a surefire way to let your life slip away from you — incomplete and void of joy.
There’s a better way to eliminate health problems …and it doesn’t involve a single prescription med.
If you want more birthdays, then you’re going to have to read a book: www.BestCureBook.com
It reveals how to safely wean off ALL meds, so you can live a younger, more active lifestyle.
Ditch the meds,
The People’s Chemist
P.S. You know what’d be a GREAT birthday present? If you already read the book, post an Amazon review about how it changed your life at www.BestCureBook.com
About the Author
My name is Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison. I hold a master’s degree in organic chemistry and am the author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded Edition (SourceBooks). I’ve been quoted by USA Today, Shape, Woman’s World, US News and World Report, as well as Women’s Health and appeared on Fox and NBC as a medicine and health expert. Start protecting yourself and loved ones with my FREE report, 3 Worst Meds.