She descended from an unsightly 184 pounds to 153 pounds. Hardly a lean-bean, but, you’d never believe she was obese and on the verge of health collapse just a few… read more »
She descended from an unsightly 184 pounds to 153 pounds. Hardly a lean-bean, but, you’d never believe she was obese and on the verge of health collapse just a few… read more »
No lie. My Mom recently stayed with me to to celebrate three family B-day’s in a single week! I promised that she would lose another 5lbs staying with me, as… read more »
Do you take over-the-counter (OTC) pain meds? The popular news source, MedPageToday showed that, "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including low-dose aspirin, are behind a third of all hospitalizations and deaths… read more »
Stench of Montel and Big Pharma Love Affair Travels the Country Regardless of the dreary headlines exposing the latest prescription drug scandal, love affairs between Big Pharma and top celebrities… read more »
The People’s Chemist reveals the natural cure that can REVERSE diabetes! Watch this video and discover how to lower blood sugar 20% in 2 weeks.
My wife and I are unconventional parents. We didn’t vaccinate our children. They don’t go to public school. We don’t let them drink their weight in soda. And we make… read more »
Dedicated Mom of two wins 2008 NPC Overall Figure Championship in Denver Colorado! With unparalleled dedication and stamina, my wife broke all the conventional rules of "dieting," weightlifting… read more »
Media outlets, purveyors of sunscreen and even select medical doctors insist that sunshine and/or ozone depletion is the primary cause of skin cancer. Not true. Sun exposure and ozone depletion… read more »
Raising children is the most challenging and rewarding thing I’ve ever done. And, while my wife and I have very different parenting strategies, we both agree on one thing: Give… read more »